Doctor Strange teams up with a mysterious teenage girl from his dreams who can travel across multiverses, to battle multiple threats, including other-universe versions of himself, which threaten to wipe out millions across the multiverse. They seek help from Wanda the Scarlet Witch, Wong and others.
Directed by : Sam Raimi
Writing Credits : Michael Waldron, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor
IMDB Rating
Languages available
English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malyalam, Kannada
Following the events of Spider-Man No Way Home, Doctor Strange unwittingly casts a forbidden spell that accidentally opens up the multiverse. With help from Wong and Scarlet Witch, Strange confronts various versions of himself as well as teaming up with the young America Chavez while traveling through various realities and working to restore reality as he knows it. Along the way, Strange and his allies realize they must take on a powerful new adversary who seeks to take over the multiverse.
Source: IMDB